2015 Legislative Deadline Week Update

Today, the State Legislature adjourned in advance of the Friday deadline for bills to pass out of their house of origin. Here’s a quick rundown of CHC’s Legislative Priorities:

  • AB 35 (Chiu and Atkins), which expands the state low income housing credit by $300 million, passed the Assembly unanimously with a final vote of 72-0! You can view our press release here
  • AB 90 (Chau), which directs HCD to administer the money California will receive from the National Housing Trust Fund, passed the Assembly unanimously with a final vote of 72-0
  • AB 447 (Maienschein), which prevents insurance providers from denying insurance to a property owner on the basis of a tenant’s level or source of income and the receipt of government or public assistance, passed the Assembly with a vote of 66-1
  • AB 668 (Gomez), which allows assessors the consider the deed restrictions of certain low-income owner-occupied homes when assessing property taxes, passed the Assembly unanimously with a final vote of 70-0
  • AB 744 (Chau), which creates additional parking incentives for 100% low-income and senior/special needs housing, passed the Assembly with a vote of 44-24
  • AB 1056 (Atkins), which allocates a portion of Prop 47 savings to rapid rehousing for formerly incarcerated individuals, passed the Assembly with a final vote of 78-0
  • SB 377 (Beall), which allows developers to treat the state low income housing credit as a certificated credit, passed the Senate with a vote of 38-1

AB 1335 (Atkins) was amended yesterday on the Assembly floor to require 50% of funds be a direct allocation to local governments and commit 10% of the overall funds to address affordable homeownership and rental housing opportunities for agricultural workers and their families. The bill was not taken up for a vote today and is not subject to the legislative deadline.

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