Note from the Executive Director – January 2018

Momentum: Strength gained by a series of events. As we embark on 2018, we are all focused on building momentum off of a successful legislative year in Sacramento. At the top of our priority list is the statewide housing bond – more specifically, the Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act.

Throughout the year, I will be sharing information on how we are going to get the bond passed in November, where you can engage and how you can invest in our success. There is good reason for my optimism about this source of funding to build affordable homes – California voters strongly support a bond to bring relief to our communities being crushed by the housing crisis.

CHC and our members devoted years of advocacy and education to reach this point. We first had to build the foundation and spread awareness that the state had an important role in supporting reliable solutions to the crisis. Our state leaders and Governor Brown collaborated with us to secure the bond – known as SB 3 last year – providing us the opportunity to show voters why this path is one of the most meaningful investments we can make to bring affordable homes to veterans, seniors, people who are homeless and struggling families. And the facts are on our side. The Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act will boost the economy, expecting to create:

  • 137,000 jobs.
  • More than $8.5 billion in labor income.
  • $23.4 billion in economic activity.
  • $1 billion in additional local and state taxes and fee revenue.

Certainly, it’s a long stretch until we hit election day November 6. I believe we all can play a critical role in ensuring our affordable housing bond is on the forefront of every voter’s mind this year, and I look forward to working with the CHC community on this important initiative. 


Ray Pearl
CHC Executive Director 

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