Note from the Executive Director – September 2018

We are just about 40 days from Election Day but even closer to absentee ballots hitting voters’ mailboxes, giving them their first opportunity to say YES to Propositions 1 and 2.

While it may feel like we all know these two measures inside and out, we also know that many Californians are only now learning about Proposition 1 – the Veterans and Affordable Housing Act – and Proposition 2 – No Place Like Home initiative – as they receive their official voter information guide from the Secretary of State’s Office, see our TV and digital ads or receive our targeted mailers.

There’s still much for us to do: one, make sure people in your personal and professional networks are registered to vote by the October 22 deadline so they can vote YES on Props 1 and 2. (CHC offered an easy-to-use Facebook post this week we encourage you to borrow.) Two, make sure people know how   Prop 1 builds and provides affordable housing for veterans, working families, and seniors, while Prop 2 focuses on helping people who are experiencing homelessness and suffering from a serious mental illness get off the streets and into housing and treatment.

We are encouraged by the support we have behind us as we go into these final weeks of the campaign. For Prop 1, this includes endorsements from major newspapers, including the San Francisco Chronicle , The Sacramento Bee and The Fresno Bee . For Prop 2, newspapers backing the measure include San Francisco Chronicle and Mercury News. And our endorsement lists continue to grow, showing broad support from a coalition of veterans’ organizations, affordable housing advocates, business and labor leaders, cities and environmental groups.

We cannot slow down our hard work because we know the need for affordable housing is so great across California. As we connect with our colleagues, family, friends and neighbors, let’s remind everyone that passing Props 1 and 2 is critical to our ability to tackle California’s housing and homelessness crisis.


Ray Pearl
CHC Executive Director

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