As we begin a new year, I want to take a moment to say thank you for all of your support in 2015. While the first year implementing our new strategic plan was a resounding success, it was also met with legislative disappointments at the hands of the legislature on our fight for a permanent source of funding and the governor on our fight to increase state tax credits. We will continue to work diligently in 2016 to make the need for affordable housing funding front and center in the budget debates and push forward good regulatory and land use reforms, including inclusionary zoning.
I am looking forward to working with our new Chair, Jim Silverwood, and our new Vice-Chair, Doug Shoemaker, our three new boardmembers as well as the dedicated team of returning boardmembers. Overcoming a governor who is not interested in affordable housing is not an easy task but we will continue our efforts to advocate for those who need the housing that you all stand ready to provide.
Finally, I want to take a moment to thank our outgoing Chair, Linda Mandolini of Eden Housing. Her leadership of our Board of Directors as well as her leadership on policy matters have made her a force for change within CHC and in Sacramento. Linda’s fingerprints are all over CHC’s accomplishments the past few years and her dedication to the industry is truly unparalleled. I know I join the entire Board of Directors in thanking her for an incredible job well done.
Ray Pearl
CHC Executive Director