ACTION ALERT: Help Ensure H.R. 1661 Is Included in Budget Deal

Senate Republicans and Democrats are reported to be very close to a budget deal to include the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (S. 548/H.R. 1661), also known as the Cantwell-Hatch bill. We need to make sure that we do not face push-back from the House.
Below is the list of California Republicans who have co-sponsored the House version of this bill, H.R. 1661. Please reach out to them now and ask them to tell Speaker Paul Ryan that they support including the Senate version of H.R. 1661 in the budget agreement.  If you have personal relationships with any of these members and have their personal phone number, if there was ever a time to call them on their cell phones, this is it.
Rep. Valadao, David G. [R-CA-21]
Draft email/talking points:
I am writing/calling to encourage you to support inclusion of S. 548 the Cantwell-Hatch Affordable Housing Improvement Act in any larger tax and spending package. As a cosponsor of H.R. 1661, the companion bill, you know of the importance of the Low Income Housing Tax Credit to your district [feel free to insert specific examples here i.e. if they have toured a property]. It is my understand that the important changes to strengthen LIHTC might be part of a larger budget and tax package currently being negotiated by House and Senate leadership. Please tell Speaker Paul Ryan and Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady that you support including the Senate version of the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act in the budget agreement.
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