April Policy Update

Friday, April 26 was the legislative deadline for policy committees to hear and report on fiscal bills introduced in their house. This has been a busy week in Sacramento and we wanted to provide a few updates.

CHC is sponsoring or co-sponsoring several bills this year:

  • AB 1763 (Chiu) – This bill would reduce barriers to developing affordable housing units by creating an enhanced density bonus for 100% affordable housing developments.
  • AB 1483 and 1484 (Grayson) – These bills would require more transparency in impact fees, zoning and planning standards, and housing development applications/permits, among other things.
  • AB 1743 (Bloom) – This bill would exempt affordable housing developments from being subject to Mello-Roos Community Facility District Fees.

These bills have all passed out of their respective policy committees.

CHC is continuing to co-sponsor legislation to increase the allocation of state low-income housing tax credits (AB 10 (Chiu)). This bill will be heard in Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee on Monday. CHC is working closely with the administration to get as many of these provisions into the Governor’s trailer bill on the state tax credit. Although we are continuing to move AB 10 through the legislative process, working these provisions through the budget process is critical for our success. Click here to view the letter CHC and the other AB 10 co-sponsors submitted on the trailer bill.

SB 50 (Wiener) – CHC has a support if amended position on this bill. It passed out of Senate Governance and Finance Committee Wednesday with significant amendments. A summary of the amendments is available here.

Keep Families Home Package – This three bill package would place a cap on allowable annual rent increases (AB 1482 (Chiu)), amend Costa Hawkins (AB 36 (Bloom)), and protect renters from unfair evictions (AB 1481 (Bonta)). AB 1482 passed out of Assembly Housing Committee yesterday with a vote of 6-1 and AB 1481 will be heard on Tuesday in Assembly Judiciary Committee. AB 36 was held in Rules Committee. CHC’s board will be discussing these bills at their board meeting next month.

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