CHC Newsroom

Affordable housing advocates ready to work with Governor Newsom as he pledges to “tackle the underproduction of affordable housing in California”

SACRAMENTO – The California Housing Consortium released the following statement today from Executive Director Ray Pearl in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s State of the State Address, where the Governor urged the Legislature to make “a commitment—right now, this year—to major reform that will eliminate red tape and delays for building critically needed housing, like affordable, multifamily homes, especially near transit and downtowns.”

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Statement on Governor’s 2020 January Budget

SACRAMENTO – A group of 11 affordable housing organizations released the following joint statement today after Governor Gavin Newsom released his proposed 2020-21 state budget. The group sent a detailed letter to the Governor in November outlining proposals for investing $5 billion in this year’s budget to address the housing and homelessness crisis.

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Significant boost to affordable housing production expected after Governor Newsom signs CHC-sponsored bill to allow all new affordable developments to add 80% more units

SACRAMENTO – The California Housing Consortium released the following statement from Ray Pearl, Executive Director, following Governor Newsom’s signing today of a package of housing production bills—including AB 1763 (Chiu), a CHC-sponsored bill that will significantly boost affordable development:

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