Federal Update for April 2022 from David Gasson

Happy Spring to everyone at CHC.  Congress is returning to Washington after the Passover/Easter recess and hopes are high, among some, that the recess will have refreshed batteries, attitudes, and interest in pursuing a reconciliation bill.  With the shrinking legislative calendar, the industry is looking at two potential vehicles for our LIHTC agenda. The first is […]

Weekly Update for April 22, 2022

This week in affordable housing news…:State Update: After years of legislative stalemates on housing policy, Asm. Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) introduced the first major housing production bill this week endorsed by affordable housing providers and labor groups. Co-sponsored by CHC and the California Conference of Carpenters, AB 2011 will open new sites to affordable development with the potential to […]

Weekly Update for April 19, 2022

For several years now, the Legislature has struggled to find a solution to one of the biggest challenges facing California: How to build more affordable housing for millions of families, seniors, workers, and veterans—while also growing the thriving middle-class construction workforce every community needs.Dozens of bills over the last two sessions have sought to address […]

Weekly Update for April 8, 2022

This week in affordable housing news…: State Update: The Legislature has adjourned for spring recess and will be returning on Monday, April 18 for two weeks of hearings ahead of policy committee deadlines. Two CHC-sponsored bills will face key committee votes when members return. There is still time to endorse this important legislation! AB 2334 (Wicks), a […]

Weekly Update for April 1, 2022

This week in affordable housing news…: State Update: Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) introduced a new constitutional amendment last Friday that would create a permanent, ongoing source of funding for affordable housing through the state general fund. ACA 14, the Housing Opportunities for Everyone (HOPE) Act, would dedicate 5% of the state budget each year for the next decade […]

The Legislature just showed everyone they can solve the affordable housing crisis—if they want to

By Ray Pearl, Executive Director, California Housing Consortium As the legislative session moves into spring, one issue seems to have caught everyone’s attention: The state Supreme Court’s decision this month to freeze enrollment at UC Berkeley after a neighborhood group’s CEQA lawsuit brought new housing development (and the admission of 3,000 incoming undergraduates) to a […]

Weekly Update for March 18, 2022

This week in affordable housing news…: State Update: CHC’s sponsored bill, AB 2334, will be heard in its first policy committee hearing on Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. and your support is critical! If you haven’t already, please submit support letters for AB 2006 (Berman) and AB 2334 (Wicks), through the Legislature’s Position Letter Portal and email copies to our Policy Associate, Jennifer Armenta, at […]

Weekly Update for March 11, 2022

This week in affordable housing news…: State Update: A few weeks after this year’s bill introduction deadline, the Terner Center at UC-Berkeley has published a comprehensive roundup of housing legislation to watch—highlighting more than 50 bills that propose changes to everything from affordable housing developer fees to local parking minimums. Terner includes CHC’s two sponsored bills: AB […]

Weekly Update for March 4, 2022

This week in affordable housing news…: State Update: HCD released its new, updated Statewide Housing Plan this week, outlining a path forward to meeting the state’s goal of producing at least 2.5 million new homes in the next RHNA cycle—including 1 million homes targeted for lower-income households. “It is imperative that we utilize every resource to get […]

Weekly Update for February 25, 2022

This week in affordable housing news…: State update: CHC is sponsoring two bills that are beginning to move through the Legislature, and we encourage your organization to send in a support letter through the new Advocates Portal. Our current sponsored bills include: AB 2334 (Wicks), which seeks to increase the number of sites qualifying for […]