Note from the Executive Director – May 2016

CHC reads Governor Jerry Brown’s latest budget proposal with a mixture of relief and disappointment. Relief, because after a decade of state disinvestment in affordable home production, the Governor’s budget acknowledges the severe crisis families and communities are facing in the face of rising rents and envisions a state role in increasing production. Disappointment, because […]

CHC’s 2016 Policy Forum & Housing Hall of Fame Awards

CHC welcomed our largest crowd ever at this year’s Policy Forum & Housing Hall of Fame Awards on May 12. Over three hundred affordable housing leaders spent the day at the beautiful Fairmont Miramar Hotel & Bungalows in Santa Monica. The program featured insightful housing experts, an engaging crowd sourcing panel with knowledgeable and diverse panelists from across the state and acknowledging six heroes in our field who have made a substantial contribution towards advancing affordable housing throughout California.

Assembly Democrats Announce $1.3 billion Housing Proposal

More than a dozen members of the Democratic Assembly Caucus today unveiled a plan that would deliver relief to California families struggling to keep up with skyrocketing rents. In a letter to Assembly Budget Subcommittee 4 Chair Asm. Adrin Nazarian, the caucus members, led by Housing Committee Chair Asm. David Chiu (D-San Francisco) and Asm. […]

VIDEO: CHC’s Policy Director Marina Wiant on KCRA

Check out CHC’s Policy Director Marina Wiant on KCRA discussing the $1.3 billion housing proposal made by more than a dozen members of the Democratic Assembly Caucus on Monday April 25, 2016.

Note from the Executive Director – April 2016

While CHC primarily focuses our efforts on public policy in Sacramento, we are keenly aware that decisions made in Washington, D.C. significantly shape the operating environment for California’s affordable home building industry. With that in mind, our Board Chair Jim Silverwood, Policy Vice Chair Robin Hughes, and representatives of 9 CHC member companies will join […]

Note from the Executive Director – March 2016

This week’s leadership change in the State Capitol is felt personally by many of us in the affordable housing community. Monday, our longtime housing champion Speaker Toni Aktins handed the reins over to a new Assembly Speaker, Anthony Rendon (D- Paramount).    While term limits restricted her stint as Speaker to less than two years, Ms. […]

Note from the Executive Director – February 2016

With housing so critical to our state’s future – from our economic competitiveness to improving health and boosting educational outcomes – CHC has wisely set a goal to elevate housing production as a priority in the broader public policy environment. I’m proud to report that because of that effort, CHC has an exciting opportunity to […]

Affordable Housing and CEQA: How can we meet both environmental and housing development goals?

CHC held its first policy event of the year on January 13. Partnering with the Silicon Valley Leadership Group and sponsored by Blach Construction, Affordable Housing and CEQA: How can we meet both environmental and housing development goals?, brought together members of the development, building, business, and public sectors to explore how environmental and housing […]

Note from the Executive Director – January 2016

As we begin a new year, I want to take a moment to say thank you for all of your support in 2015.  While the first year implementing our new strategic plan was a resounding success, it was also met with legislative disappointments at the hands of the legislature on our fight for a permanent […]

Governor Releases 2016-2017 Budget Proposal

On January 7, Governor Brown released his 2016-2017 budget proposal. Although it comes amid surging tax revenues and a rebounding state economy, the Governor continued to press for fiscal discipline. You can read a complete summary by our lobby firm, Sloat Higgins Jensen, here. CHC released the following statement on Governor Jerry Brown’s proposal: “Last […]