Weekly Update for September 15, 2023

The Legislature wrapped up the 2023 legislative session yesterday, approving a wave of affordable housing bills supported by CHC and our partners. The Governor has until October 14 to sign legislation. Highlights of bills advanced this year are below: CHC-sponsored bills: Several bills sponsored by CHC are now on the Governor’s desk: Streamlining approvals: In […]

CHC’s 2023 Policy Forum Recap

Special thanks to our title sponsor: Merritt Community Capital Thank you to those who attended the California Housing Consortium’s 2023 Policy Forum and Housing Hall of Fame Awards in Anaheim on September 7th. Ann Silverberg, CHC’s Board Chair, started the day welcoming our attendees from across the state. Shazia Manji, a Research Associate with the UC […]

Weekly Update for September 8, 2023

This week in affordable housing news…: State Update: CHC’s Policy Forum in Anaheim this week was a huge success! Thank you to all who attended and especially to the recipients of this year’s California Housing Hall of Fame Awards, who we were proud to honor for their leadership in advancing affordable housing development: Rob Wiener, Executive Director […]

Weekly Update for September 1, 2023

This week in affordable housing news…: State Update: Today was the deadline for bills to pass out of fiscal committees. The following bills passed out of Appropriations and will need to pass by September 15 to take effect on January 1: SB 4 (Wiener), SB 423 (Wiener), ACA 1 (Aguiar-Curry), AB 346 (Quirk-Silva), and AB […]

Federal Update for August 2023 from David Gasson

As summer begins to wane, kids return to school and in a similar vein, Congress returns to Washington from their month-long summer work period, there are several pending issues on their agenda and ours. First, we are very pleased with the continued strong bipartisan, bicameral support for the AHCIA.  As of August 22nd the House […]

Industry Insight — August 2023

This month’s edition of Industry Insight includes:
-A Note from our Executive Director Ray Pearl
-Legislative Roundup
-Save the Date 2023 Policy Forum
-AH News of the Month
-Federal Update from David Gasson

Weekly Update for August 18, 2023

In memory: The affordable housing industry lost one of its longest-serving champions this month, when our friend and colleague Pat Sabelhaus of the California Council for Affordable Housing passed away last week. There are few in our field who worked longer or harder to advance the cause of affordable housing production in California, especially through […]

Weekly Update for August 11, 2023

This week in affordable housing news…: State Update: CalMatters published a detailed profile this week on the ongoing campaign to lower local vote thresholds for affordable housing bonds, an issue that could appear on the ballot next year. CHC continues to support a measure moving through the Legislature, ACA 1 (Aguiar-Curry), that would amend the constitution to allow […]

Weekly Update for August 4, 2023

This week in affordable housing news…: State Update: SB 35 has become “the streamlining method of choice” among affordable housing developers since its passage five years ago, a newly released report by the UC Berkeley Terner Center for Housing Innovation confirms. Between 2018 and 2021, the law has led to more than 150 pending or approved […]

Industry Insight — July 2023

This month’s edition of Industry Insight includes:
-A Note from our Executive Director Ray Pearl
-Legislative Roundup
-Save the Date 2023 Policy Forum
-AH News of the Month
-AB 2011 Takes Effect
-Federal Update from David Gasson
-CHC Member Spotlight