Affordable housing developers ready to answer Governor Newsom’s call to accelerate housing production
SACRAMENTO – A newly introduced bill from Assemblymember Richard Bloom (AB 3107) will open commercial land in developed areas to affordable housing—a key element of a state strategy to increase production for all income levels
Affordable housing advocates ready to work with Governor Newsom as he pledges to “tackle the underproduction of affordable housing in California”
SACRAMENTO – The California Housing Consortium released the following statement today from Executive Director Ray Pearl in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s State of the State Address, where the Governor urged the Legislature to make “a commitment—right now, this year—to major reform that will eliminate red tape and delays for building critically needed housing, like affordable, multifamily homes, especially near transit and downtowns.”
Governor Delivers State of the State
State of the State This morning, Governor Newsom delivered his State of the State address, the bulk of which was focused on housing and homelessness. View the entire speech online. We were particularly pleased to see the Governor urge the Legislature to make “a commitment—right now, this year—to major reform that will eliminate red tape […]
Governor Releases 2020 January Budget
This morning, the Governor released his January budget proposal, which includes new and continued funding to address the housing and homelessness crises. Today’s announcement includes an additional $500 million for the state low-income housing tax credit program. Earlier this week, the Governor unveiled his plan to invest to $750 million into a new California Access […]
California State Tax Credit NEW $500m Allocation
CHC has long been advocating for a significant increase to the state’s low-income housing tax credit program (beginning in 2016 with AB 35 and this year with AB 10) that would pair with federal 4% tax credits. This year’s budget includes a one-time $500 million allocation and CHC will continue to advocate for this allocation […]
Legislative Update: 2019 House of Origin Deadline
Tomorrow is the deadline for bills to pass out of the house of origin and both houses have already adjourned for the week. Here’s a brief update on housing bills: All of CHC’s sponsored bills have advanced to the Senate with unanimous support in the Assembly: AB 10 (Chiu) – $500m increase to the state […]
April Policy Update
Friday, April 26 was the legislative deadline for policy committees to hear and report on fiscal bills introduced in their house. This has been a busy week in Sacramento and we wanted to provide a few updates. CHC is sponsoring or co-sponsoring several bills this year: AB 1763 (Chiu) – This bill would reduce barriers to […]
ACTION ALERT – Support CHC Priority Bills
Building on the voter-approved investments of Propositions 1 and 2, CHC is pursuing legislation this year that will accelerate the development of affordable homes for Californians and remove barriers that hamper production in communities that need affordable housing the most. With this strategic mix of solutions, we can provide a stable path forward to help […]
Governor’s Budget Focuses on Increasing Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Production
Governor Newsom’s proposed 2019-2020 state budget directly addresses the state’s housing crisis and proposes significant one-time and ongoing investment to increase housing production, particularly for low- and moderate-income housing. “Housing is a statewide issue and a lack of affordable housing directly contributes to the increased homelessness seen across the state.” Among other things, the budget […]
2019 is Shaping Up to be a Busy Year for Housing
Happy New Year and welcome to a busy week in the Capitol! As you have read from news reports, Gavin Newsom took the oath of office to become California’s 40th Governor and inauguration ceremonies filled the Capitol for he and several other officials. In his inaugural address, Governor Newsom briefly mentioned plans to “launch a Marshall Plan for affordable […]