COVID-19 Update for May 22, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing:

California situation:

Federal action:

  • The House voted last Friday to approve the $3 trillion HEROES Act, which includes funding for state and local governments, another round of $1,200 direct payments to individuals, and an extension until January of the $600-per-week unemployment compensation program passed in March.
  • President Trump and Senate Republicans said they would not support the bill.
  • As negotiations continue over the next phase of stimulus, Governor Newsom’s Task Force on Business and Jobs Recovery sent a letter to congressional leaders highlighting the need to pass at least $1 trillion in relief for state and local governments. The letter was signed by 91 California leaders, including Bob Iger, the chairman of The Walt Disney Company, and Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce. “COVID-19 has fundamentally changed how we will manage our businesses and organizations going forward, with the worst of the economic impact likely still to come,” the letter said. “State, local and tribal governments are critical to our recovery.”

State policy activity:

  • AB 3107 (Bloom), a CHC-sponsored bill to allow affordable housing development on commercial land, was approved this week by the Assembly Committee on Housing and Community Development. The bill now moves to the Appropriations Committee.
  • CHC expressed its disappointment with the committee’s decision not to take up another critical bill, AB 2988 (Chu), which would have accelerated development of much-needed homeless supportive housing during and after the COVID emergency.
  • Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins and Senate Democrats announced a 5-bill package of housing production bills that are “intended to bolster production of new housing and remove existing barriers by further streamlining the development process.” More information on the bills can be found here.
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