Federal Update from David Gasson – May 2018

Just when you thought it could not get any more strained in Washington, they go and one up themselves. With the defeat of the farm bill in the House, an embarrassment to the Republican Leadership wholly owned and caused by the Republican majority, the possibility of future legislative successes seem more in doubt. From our perspective, that means our avenues to pass the 4% LIHTC fix and other provisions of S. 548 & H.R. 1661 are even more limited. Intra-party wrangling and partisanship will likely rule the remainder of the 115th Congress, especially with the leadership in both chambers seriously discussing cancelling all or some of the August recess. Nothing like cancelling campaign events, family vacations and being in Washington in hot and sticky August to bring out the best in Congress. Imagine having Thanksgiving with your family for a month but on the tarmac in Las Vegas. You get the picture. 

On the bright side, our House Republican champion, Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) has finally distribute a Dear Colleague letter for H.R. 1661. Timing is everything in politics and while this effort could help us going into the 116th Congress, it is just a little late to the game this year. Nonetheless we are excited to have the Congressman engaged in our issues and we are working to build the growing list of cosponsors for the House and Senate bills. Pending the election results I am bullish on our prospects for housing legislation in the next Congress.

The budget process is proceeding in both the House and Senate and thus far we have not been alerted to any concerns, but that will not last so stay tuned. 

There are a few issues I am watching carefully that I will save for later. Thank you again for the wonderful reception at your meeting in Santa Monica and for all you are doing to advance our Affordable Housing agenda. 

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