Governor Releases 2020 January Budget

This morning, the Governor released his January budget proposal, which includes new and continued funding to address the housing and homelessness crises.

Today’s announcement includes an additional $500 million for the state low-income housing tax credit program. Earlier this week, the Governor unveiled his plan to invest to $750 million into a new California Access to Housing and Services Fund which would provide flexible funds, administered by the Department of Social Services, aimed at reducing homelessness by moving individuals and families into stable housing and increasing the number of units available as a stable housing option for individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

CHC joined a group of 11 affordable housing organizations in a joint statement on the Governor’s newly released January budget proposal. The statement noted the Administration’s “serious commitment” to producing more affordable housing and ending homelessness—and highlighted some of the Governor’s “encouraging new proposals for helping communities respond to two of the most pressing issues facing California.” CHC and our partners sent a detailed letter to the Governor this fall with a plan for investing $5 billion in this year’s budget to promote the production and preservation of affordable homes, rebuild communities impacted by disaster, and prevent and end homelessness

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