Legislature Approves Funding for Housing Programs

California lawmakers approved a $156.4 billion state budget Sunday, June 15, rushing to pass legislation less than six hours before the constitutional deadline. The spending plan, includes:

  • $100 million in 2014-2015 for the Multifamily Housing Program (MHP), with half designated for supportive housing;
  • $872 million in Cap-and-Trade revenue for 2014-2015, with $130 for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program; and,
  • A long-term spending plan for Cap-and-Trade revenues beginning in 2015, with 25% for the High Speed Rail Authority, 10% for the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program, 20% for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program, 5% for the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program, and 40% for annual appropriations in low carbon transportation, natural resources, energy, and other programs

This is the first General Fund allocation for MHP and MHP-Supportive Housing in more than a decade. The Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program is a newly-created grant program to be administered by the Strategic Growth Council to fund land-use, housing transportation, and land preservation projects to support infill and compact development that reduces greenhouse gas emissions including:

  • Intermodal affordable housing projects that support infill;
  • Transit-oriented development projects, including affordable housing and infrastructure at or near transit stations;
  • Other projects that reduce GHGs by decreasing automobile day trips or vehicle miles traveled; and,
  • Planning to support implementation of sustainable community strategies, including implementation of local plans supporting GHG reduction efforts and promoting infill and compact development

Other details regarding administration of the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program will be flushed out over the next few months.

The governor will have until June 27 (12 days) to approve or “blue-pencil” (line-item veto) portions of the budget.

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