COVID-19 Update for April 10, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing: California situation: Governor Newsom announced this week that 2.3 million Californians have applied for unemployment assistance since the coronavirus emergency began. This is more than the total number of claims […]

COVID-19 Update for April 3, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing: California situation: Governor Newsom announced this week that public schools would remain closed for the remainder of the school year—a sign shelter-in-place measures will extend past April and at least […]

CHC Submits Comments on CRA Modernization

Federal Update from David Gasson – March 2020

These last few weeks have been challenging for lawmakers and their staff who have worked night and day under extraordinary circumstances to craft a third package of provisions to address the COVID-19 crisis, which passed last week. The bill includes some important supplemental funding provisions for key affordable housing programs. Highlights include:· Tenant Based Rental […]

COVID-19 Update for March 27

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing. We have sent already sent letters to the Administration and Treasurer requesting necessary relief for affordable housing providers. California situation: One million Californians have filed for unemployment as a result […]

COVID-19 Update for March 20

Last night, Governor Newsom issued an executive order directing the entire state to ”Shelter in Place”. This order requires all individuals living in the State of California to stay home or at their place of residence except as needed to maintain continuity of operations of the federal critical infrastructure sectors, critical government services, schools, childcare, and […]

End of Year Federal Advocacy

The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (H.R. 3077/S. 1703) would meaningfully expand the resources and the reach of the Housing Credit to address the affordable housing crisis in CA, especially with the following provisions: Setting a minimum rate for Housing Credits that are generated by tax-exempt private activity bonds, which would increase the amount of […]

HUD’s Proposed Mixed-Status Rule

CHC submitted comments on HUD’s proposed mixed-status rule to express our strong opposition. If implemented, the rule would result in the displacement of thousands of families across the country and disproportionately affect California residents.

Federal Update from David Gasson – March 2019

Despite all the noise we are making progress in Washington with our affordable housing agenda.  If only we had a president that was a pro-housing as Governor Newsome but that is a decision for voters in 2020.  As for present day, we are very excited about the reintroduction of the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – January 2019

With the President and Congressional leaders coming to an agreement to open the federal government through February 15th, we have a temporary reprieve from the shutdown. While the situation is still tentative, we hope a final agreement on the FY2019 budget will be reached and Washington may begin to focus on the myriad of other […]