For several years now, the Legislature has struggled to find a solution to one of the biggest challenges facing California: How to build more affordable housing for millions of families, seniors, workers, and veterans—while also growing the thriving middle-class construction workforce every community needs.
Dozens of bills over the last two sessions have sought to address one part of this puzzle or the other, but none have been able to earn the support of both affordable housing advocates and labor organizations.
That changed today, with the introduction of AB 2011 by Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland), a bill endorsed by CHC and the California Conference of Carpenters that will open new sites to affordable housing with the potential to produce millions of units, while creating strong labor protections that support all of the workers on these essential jobs.
The official title of AB 2011 is The Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act, and I believe this legislation fairly checks both boxes. After years of legislative stalemate, this bill finds a workable balance for affordable housing providers and our labor partners. I hope we can all work with Asm. Wicks to move these ideas forward beginning next Wednesday, April 27 in first hearing before the Assembly Committee on Housing and Community Development.
We are fortunate to stand behind a strong, visionary housing chair, who has demonstrated her willingness to take on powerful, entrenched interests who are already organizing against this legislation. We have the facts and sound policy on our side. But we will need all of your assistance to help legislators recognize this bill is an essential part of the solution to California’s housing crisis. Earning their support is the only way we can all achieve our shared goal: Building more affordable homes for struggling lower-income Californians, while also growing the stable, well-paid construction workforce we all rely on.
You can take the firsts step today by submitting a letter of support on behalf of your organization no later than this Wednesday, April 20. Details on how to do that can be found in the bill toolkit below:
AB 2011 Toolkit

Thank you again for your support. Onward!
Ray PearlExecutive Director