CHC Celebrates 20 Years

State Level

  • Co-sponsored the California Homes and Jobs Act – legislation to secure a permanent source of funding for affordable housing
  • Helped secure ongoing funding for the newly created Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program from Cap-and-Trade revenues
  • In 2011 budget battle, fought to reform not eliminate redevelopment agencies while preserving affordable housing dollars
  • Involved in the implementation of SB 375, landmark transportation and global warming legislation signed by the Governor in 2008, and tracking its impacts on affordable housing
  • Co-directed the successful Prop 1C $2.85 billion Housing Bond Campaign in 2006 and played a leading role in the crafting subsequent legislation that programed the funding for infill- and transit-oriented development, parks and housing-related infrastructure, and innovative initiatives ranging from local housing trust fund matching funds to green building programs
  • Fought to protect and prevent abuses of the affordable housing property tax exemption
  • Addressed the unintended consequences of 2003’s prevailing wage requirements on affordable housing development
  • Played a major role in the successful passage of Proposition 46 in 2002, a $2.1 billion general obligation bond that established the Multi-Family Housing Program for catalyzing the development of affordable rental housing, Cal-HOME/BEGIN/Self-Help programs for first-time home buyer housing opportunities

Federal Level

  • Advised and lobbied members of Congress to support several initiatives that: Modernize and restore the Mortgage Revenue Bond and Tax Credit programs to ensure they can be used to the fullest and most advantageous extent possible; Increased and made permanent Low Income Housing Tax Credits; Increased the Private Activity Bond Cap; Increased and fully funded the Preservation/Section 8 Renewal Program