Federal Update for May 2024 from David Gasson

Ah summer.  Well, it is beginning to feel that way but as far as things being buttoned up legislatively in Washington, not quite yet. Tax bill, oh tax bill, will yet get a vote in the Senate?  That has been the focus of ours and our advocacy colleagues on Capitol Hill as the Senate trudges […]

Federal Update for April 2024 from David Gasson

March Madness is coming to a conclusion (now that it is April) and although I will lament the end of men’s and women’s basketball seasons, I will not lament the end of what has turned out to be a disappointing March for the tax bill. The high hopes we all had after the passage of […]

Federal Update for January 2024 from David Gasson

All the groundwork we have been doing to prepare for a potential tax bill has finally come to fruition over the past few weeks. Shortly after the House and Senate returned from the holiday recess, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) announced an agreement on a […]

Federal Update for November 2023 from David Gasson

What a difference a month makes.  Since my last update, Speaker McCarthy advanced a standalone continuing resolution (CR) through November 17th, which led to a motion to vacate the chair, which resulted in McCarthy becoming the former Speaker.  Three tumultuous weeks later the House finally elected relative newcomer Mike Johnson of Louisiana, Speaker of the […]

Federal Update for October 2023 from David Gasson

As I write this update, the final days of the 2023 fiscal year are passing and there is no sign of a federal budget on the horizon.  As I predicted at the beginning of the year, both before and after the marathon voting for Speaker of the House in January, the disfunction that defines the […]

Federal Update for August 2023 from David Gasson

As summer begins to wane, kids return to school and in a similar vein, Congress returns to Washington from their month-long summer work period, there are several pending issues on their agenda and ours. First, we are very pleased with the continued strong bipartisan, bicameral support for the AHCIA.  As of August 22nd the House […]

Federal Update for July 2023 from David Gasson

Happy July.  I hope everyone had a safe, relaxing and fun-filled July 4th holiday.  I was fortunate to spend some over the holiday with a few of our LIHTC supporters and felt energized by their optimism that housing will have its day this year.  I hope you were able to touch base with some of […]

Federal Update for June 2023 from David Gasson

It is always my goal to end any presentation or update on a positive note so I will discuss the recently reintroduced Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act later in this update.  Let us begin with the continuing drama of the debt ceiling, the deal that has been negotiated and the potential results of the agreement.  […]

Federal Update for May 2023 from David Gasson

Happy May.  Spring has sprung, baseball season is in full swing (as a Red Sox fan I thank you LA Dodger fans for Justin Turner) and in Washington we are getting excited about the introduction of the new version of the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act.  For those of you attending the HAG/AHTCC Housing Forum […]

Federal Update for April 2023 from David Gasson

Spring is upon us and the pace of activity on the legislative front is exhibiting the energy of those coming out of a cold winter slumber.  I realize you, my friends in California, are still experiencing your unusual (maybe not so much anymore) weather trends but in DC the Cherry Blossoms are at their peak […]