Federal Update from David Gasson – December 2018

Now that the 2018 mid-term elections are finally behind us, at least we believe they are behind us, we may reflect on another successful year for affordable housing.  As of the writing of this update the year is not yet complete as we are in the midst of a lame duck session of congress that, […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – September 2018

Allow me to begin this update with a note of congratulations to CHC Boardmember, Carol Galante, on being inducted into the Affordable Housing Finance’s Hall of Fame. Carol has dedicated her career to the advancement of affordable housing and this honor is both well-deserved and overdue. I look forward to being in Chicago at AHF […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – July 2018

It’s hot. Really hot. And while I am including the weather in that statement of fact I am also referring to the affordable housing policy track in Washington. Yes, you may be excused if you have been distract, dismayed or distraught about the current state of affairs in our nations capital and the world, unless […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – June 2018

Summer lovin, happened so fast.  Summer lovin, had me a blast… Oh if only we could sing and dance our way through what will likely be an ugly and unproductive summer in Washington, I would be willing to watch a John Travolta movie marathon.  There was a time when we could all focus on family, […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – May 2018

Just when you thought it could not get any more strained in Washington, they go and one up themselves. With the defeat of the farm bill in the House, an embarrassment to the Republican Leadership wholly owned and caused by the Republican majority, the possibility of future legislative successes seem more in doubt. From our […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – March 2018

Let me begin by saying thank you. With the President’s signature on the FY2018 Omnibus spending bill on Friday, March 23rd, the affordable housing industry realized a significant victory in restoring some of the resources that had been diminished with the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act last December. Through the amazing efforts […]

State to Designate Federal Qualified Opportunity Zones

The federal tax bill passed at the end of December 2017 allows the Governor to designate eligible census tracts as Opportunity Zones. Investments made by individuals through special funds in these zones would be allowed to defer or eliminate federal taxes on capital gains. The Governor can designate up to 25 percent of census tracts […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – February 2018

So how are we doing? That is a question posed to me often as colleagues contend with both their Tax Reform hangover and the barrage of nothing-news coming from Washington, D.C.  I take this opportunity to once again remind all of my friends, colleagues and those wishing to retain some sense of sanity, to stop paying […]

ACTION ALERT: Help Ensure H.R. 1661 Is Included in Budget Deal

Senate Republicans and Democrats are reported to be very close to a budget deal to include the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (S. 548/H.R. 1661), also known as the Cantwell-Hatch bill. We need to make sure that we do not face push-back from the House. Below is the list of California Republicans who have co-sponsored the […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – January 2018

Ok, everybody breathe.  It is a new year and the trauma, anxiety, uncertainty, tumult, advocacy …… of tax reform is behind us. We survived although not undamaged and now we must assess the affect on our programs and game plan an agenda that not only makes us whole again, but enhances the resources for affordable […]