Tax Reform Update from David Gasson, Boston Capital

Are we having fun yet? As we settle back in after the Thanksgiving holiday, and while we are hopefully thankful for our families health and happiness, on the legislative front it is a bit of a mixed bag. Prior to adjourning for the holiday, the House voted in favor of its tax reform bill by […]

CHC Joins CAR and CBIA to Denounce Federal Tax Reform Plan

Today, CHC was pleased to come together with members of California’s homebuilding, housing, and real estate community, including the California Association of Realtors and the California Building Industry Association, at a press conference in Sacramento to call on the 14 California GOP Congressmembers to stand up and protect housing for all Californians as they consider […]

H.R. 1 Tax Reform Action Alert

On Thursday, November 2, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) unveiled their long-awaited tax reform plan.  H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, delivers substantial tax cuts, including a significant reduction in the top corporate income tax rate. To offset the cost of the cuts, many current tax incentives are eliminated or substantially […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – October 2017

We have reached that point in the seemingly endless debate over tax reform when reality hits us that it might just happen. Whether you go by the alignment of stars or ducks in a row, it seems the pieces are falling into place for something substantial happening on the tax front. To my friends in […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – September 2017

On September 27th, the White House and top GOP leaders released their tax reform outline entitled “Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code”. We are very pleased that the framework includes the Low Income Housing Tax Credit as one of two credit’s (R&D) maintained in the tax code. This is a testament to all the […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – August 2017

So it is the Congressional recess which means nothing is supposed to be going on, right?  Well this is the time of Trump and despite Members of Congress best hopes, the political world continues to rock and roll, not always for the better. The plan was for congressional leadership, tax chairmen and staff and the […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – July 2017

I am fresh off a new episode of “Game of Thrones” and the similarity between the intrigue in the Seven Kingdoms and what is happening in Washington, DC is amazing. I will spare you a point by point/character by character analogy but aside from no one in our nation’s capital being scorched by dragons, the […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – June 2017

Allow me to wish you a Happy July 4th. As we enter the summer months may you find time to relax, enjoy family and friends and forget what is going on (or not) back in Washington.  As for what is going on in our nation’s Capitol, much remains the same as the noise level is […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – May 2017

It is hard to imagine Capitol Hill being any more chaotic then it was at the time of our last update yet as of the drafting this update, chaos has reached a new level. Let us take politics out of the equation for now and just focus on policy. The President released his budget which […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – March 2017

As CHC members who recently visited Washington, DC can tell you, the atmosphere on Capitol Hill is frenetic.  What was supposed to be an orderly process to address the key campaign promises made by President Trump and congressional Republicans has not so subtly come off the rails.  With the turmoil surrounding repealing and replacing the […]