Weekly Update for January 22, 2021

This week in affordable housing news…: State update: Eviction cases in the state’s court system are expected to double this year, according to an estimate by the state Judicial Council, which is seeking funding to handle as many as 240,000 eviction cases as a result of the pandemic. Last month a U.S. Census Bureau survey […]

Weekly Update for January 15, 2021

This week in affordable housing news: State update: ICYMI – In addition to the significant new investments in affordable housing and federal stimulus funds being passed along to renters in the Governor’s budget last week, the Administration has also proposed sending $600 in direct cash support to four million low-income Californians who qualify for the […]

Industry Insight – December 2020

This month’s edition of Industry Insight includes:
-A Note from our Executive Director Ray Pearl
-In Case You Missed it
-Affordable Housing in the News
-Federal Update from David Gasson
-CHC Member Spotlight

Industry Insight – October 2020

Industry Insight – September 2020

This month’s edition of Industry Insight includes:
-A Note from our Executive Director Ray Pearl
-In Case You Missed it
-In Memoriam
-Affordable Housing in the News
-CHC Supporter Spotlight

Weekly Clips for September 11, 2020

This week in affordable housing news… State action: Growing percentages of California residents have begun to miss rent payments amidst high levels of unemployment and the expiration in July of federal assistance for workers who have lost their jobs. The San Jose Mercury News reported this week that September rent non-payments in the Bay Area […]

Weekly Update for September 4, 2020

This week in affordable housing news… State policy activity: The Legislature completed its regular session this week, but failed to advance a wide range of affordable housing bills before the midnight deadline on Monday—due to a variety of factors, including political challenges, tight timelines due to COVID-19, and tensions between the Assembly and Senate. “I’m […]

Weekly Update for August 28, 2020

This week in affordable housing news… State policy activity: Governor Newsom announced on Friday that a final deal had been reached to stave off a looming “eviction cliff” next week, when eviction restrictions put in place during the COVID-19 emergency are scheduled to expire. As many as four million Californians could be at risk of […]

Weekly Update for August 21, 2020

This week in affordable housing news… State policy activity: Negotiations continue this week on legislation to protect California renters facing the expiration of eviction restrictions put in place during the COVID-19 emergency. AB 1436 (Chiu), is emerging as the likely vehicle, after a Senate proposal, SB 1410 (Caballero, Bradford), did not advance out of the […]

Weekly Update for August 14, 2020

This week in affordable housing news…: State policy activity: CHC and Housing California released a statement this week expressing concern with the Legislature’s failure to advance a housing package this year that meaningfully expands access to affordable housing. Signed by Ray Pearl and Lisa Hersey, the statement called attention to the significant numbers of affordable […]