Weekly Update for August 7, 2020

State policy activity: At CHC’s request, Asm. Richard Bloom pulled our sponsored bill, AB 3107, from further consideration this session, after it became clear the bill could not advance without amendments that would severely limit the workforce available to build new affordable housing. CHC also submitted letters of opposition on two other active bills, including […]

COVID-19 Update for July 31, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing: California situation: California’s COVID-19 death toll is poised to climb past 9,000 this week. Just over half of the state’s deaths have been in Los Angeles County, but outbreaks continue […]

COVID-19 Update for July 24, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing: California situation: A total of 37 counties are now on Governor Newsom’s new “COVID-19 Monitoring List” of counties that are experiencing “elevated disease transmission,” “increasing hospitalization,” and/or “limited hospital capacity.” […]

COVID-19 Update for July 17, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing: California situation: Citing the rising number of COVID-19 infections across California, Governor Newsom ordered the statewide closure this week of a range of activities and business operations that were only […]

State Budget and Mid-Session Legislative Progress

State Budget and Mid-Session Legislative Progress The Governor and Legislature announced a final budget agreement this week, and after the Senate approved the spending plan yesterday, the Assembly will vote to approve the budget this afternoon. A summary of major affordable housing provisions included in the budget are highlighted below. The Assembly and Senate will […]

COVID-19 Update for June 19, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing: California situation: With the reopening of the economy causing a rise in the state’s numbers of COVID-19 cases, Governor Newsom ordered California residents this week to wear masks at all […]

COVID-19 Update for June 12, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing: California situation: Counties across California continued to reopen, with many parts of the state moving into “Phase 3,” though state officials continued to urge caution, even as gyms, bars, and […]

COVID-19 Update for May 29, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing: California situation: This week, 47 of California’s 58 counties received state approval to begin moving into “stage 2” of reopening their economies—with new guidelines for restaurants, shopping malls, and hair […]

COVID-19 Update for May 22, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing: California situation: This week, 40 of California’s 58 counties received state approval to begin moving into “stage 2” of reopening their economies—clearing them to reopen restaurant dining rooms and more […]

COVID-19 Update for May 15, 2020

CHC is closely monitoring the state and federal response to COVID-19—and we are working with our members to preserve and protect access to affordable housing: California situation: Governor Newsom released his revised May budget proposal this week—projecting unemployment levels as high as 25% this year and identifying $14 billion in cuts to state programs that […]