Governor Signs CHC-Sponsored Bills to Increase Production of Affordable Housing

At a signing ceremony in Los Angeles today, Governor Newsom signed several bills designed to help jumpstart housing production. Included was AB 1763 (Chiu), a CHC-sponsored bill that will significantly boost production of affordable housing. CHC released the following statement from Ray Pearl, Executive Director: “The California Housing Consortium worked closely with Assemblymember David Chiu […]

Note from the Executive Director – October 2019

With the legislative session behind us, we are starting to prepare for the year ahead of us—this includes a series of CHC policy committee meetings around the state and a new opportunity to collaborate closely with the Treasurer on upcoming reforms to the state tax credit system. Before we get there, we’re mindful of one […]

Note from the Executive Director – End of Session 2019

The Legislature wrapped up the first year of the session early Saturday morning, and I’m pleased to report several major CHC-sponsored bills have now made their way to the governor’s desk—including bills that will dramatically boost the number of affordable homes that can be built each year, significantly reduce the cost of affordable development, and […]

Note from the Executive Director – September 2019

Of the more than 200 housing bills introduced this year, only a few dozen are still moving. But with less than two weeks to go in the session, I’m proud to say CHC’s affordable housing package is still largely intact. After our successful campaign to secure major new affordable housing investments in this year’s budget, […]

California State Tax Credit NEW $500m Allocation

CHC has long been advocating for a significant increase to the state’s low-income housing tax credit program (beginning in 2016 with AB 35 and this year with AB 10) that would pair with federal 4% tax credits. This year’s budget includes a one-time $500 million allocation and CHC will continue to advocate for this allocation […]

Note from the Executive Director – August 2019

It’s a quiet time in Sacramento, with the Legislature out on recess, but that will change quickly when members return on August 12 for the last five weeks of the session. We’ve been spending the month preparing for the final legislative stretch, when we hope to see all five of CHC’s sponsored bills move through […]

HUD’s Proposed Mixed-Status Rule

CHC submitted comments on HUD’s proposed mixed-status rule to express our strong opposition. If implemented, the rule would result in the displacement of thousands of families across the country and disproportionately affect California residents.

Note from the Executive Director – July 2019

When Governor Newsom signed his first state budget last week—investing more than $2 billion in affordable housing, local infrastructure, and homelessness programs—he took a historic first step toward fulfilling his campaign pledge to be a champion for the millions of Californians struggling to find a safe, affordable place to live. This is real, substantive progress, […]

Note from the Executive Director – June 2019

With the deadline passing last week for bills to move out their house of origin, we’re nearing the midway point of the legislative session—and have learned a lot about what’s possible this year to help the millions of Californians struggling to find safe, affordable housing, where there can still be progress, and who the true […]

Legislative Update: 2019 House of Origin Deadline

Tomorrow is the deadline for bills to pass out of the house of origin and both houses have already adjourned for the week. Here’s a brief update on housing bills: All of CHC’s sponsored bills have advanced to the Senate with unanimous support in the Assembly: AB 10 (Chiu) – $500m increase to the state […]