Note from the Executive Director – May 2019

As the milestone of the new governor’s 100th day in office passed this month, affordable housing advocates find ourselves in new territory. State leaders understand our work and the need for action—an outcome CHC has worked for years to produce. At the same time, the field has become more crowded and the housing narrative more […]

April Policy Update

Friday, April 26 was the legislative deadline for policy committees to hear and report on fiscal bills introduced in their house. This has been a busy week in Sacramento and we wanted to provide a few updates. CHC is sponsoring or co-sponsoring several bills this year: AB 1763 (Chiu) – This bill would reduce barriers to […]

Note from the Executive Director – March 2019

March 30, 2009, began on a Southwest Airlines flight from Burbank to the Bay Area where I settled into CHC’s offices that were then located in San Francisco and spent time talking with CHC’s Chair at the time Elizabeth Bluhm, and concluded the day with a meeting with BRIDGE’s then-CEO Carol Galante. Who knew that […]

Industry Insight – March 2019

This month’s edition of Industry Insight includes:
-A Note from our Executive Director Ray Pearl
-In Case You Missed it
-Federal Update from David Gasson, Boston Capital
-Affordable Housing in the News
-CHC Member Spotlight

Federal Update from David Gasson – March 2019

Despite all the noise we are making progress in Washington with our affordable housing agenda.  If only we had a president that was a pro-housing as Governor Newsome but that is a decision for voters in 2020.  As for present day, we are very excited about the reintroduction of the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act […]

ACTION ALERT – Support CHC Priority Bills

Building on the voter-approved investments of Propositions 1 and 2, CHC is pursuing legislation this year that will accelerate the development of affordable homes for Californians and remove barriers that hamper production in communities that need affordable housing the most. With this strategic mix of solutions, we can provide a stable path forward to help […]

Note from the Executive Director – February 2019

The end of February was a whirlwind of activity in Sacramento, with the much anticipated bill introduction deadline hitting February 22. As usual, there was no shortage of activities by CHC members and staff in advancing our policy and budget goals. We met with senior leaders in Governor Newsom’s Administration and various legislative leaders committed […]

Note from the Executive Director – January 2019

As I start reflecting on my nearly 10 years as Executive Director of CHC, it’s hard to recall the start of a new year that brought such genuine hope from Sacramento that housing policies might actually be a top priority. Yes, there are many months, budget hearings and negotiations to be endured before proposed policies […]

Industry Insight – January 2019

This month’s edition of Industry Insight includes:
-A Note from our Executive Director Ray Pearl
-In Case You Missed it
-Federal Update from David Gasson, Boston Capital
-Affordable Housing in the News
-CHC Member Spotlight

Federal Update from David Gasson – January 2019

With the President and Congressional leaders coming to an agreement to open the federal government through February 15th, we have a temporary reprieve from the shutdown. While the situation is still tentative, we hope a final agreement on the FY2019 budget will be reached and Washington may begin to focus on the myriad of other […]