Note from the Executive Director – June 2018

It is now clear that despite calls from elected and affordable housing leaders around the state to focus on solutions that will protect renters and avoid a costly ballot fight, we will see an initiative to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act on the November ballot. Voters will have their say on this and several […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – June 2018

Summer lovin, happened so fast.  Summer lovin, had me a blast… Oh if only we could sing and dance our way through what will likely be an ugly and unproductive summer in Washington, I would be willing to watch a John Travolta movie marathon.  There was a time when we could all focus on family, […]

Note from the Executive Director – May 2018

With an $8.8 billion surplus projected for California, all eyes are on the 2018-19 state budget – and a potential deal over the next two weeks that could help the state take the next step toward tackling its catastrophic affordable housing and homelessness crisis. The good news: All of the major players in Sacramento budget […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – May 2018

Just when you thought it could not get any more strained in Washington, they go and one up themselves. With the defeat of the farm bill in the House, an embarrassment to the Republican Leadership wholly owned and caused by the Republican majority, the possibility of future legislative successes seem more in doubt. From our […]

Note from the Executive Director – April 2018

I had the privilege of leading a team of CHC members to Capitol Hill last week and meeting with congressional representatives and their staff. In addition to stressing the need for ongoing support of federal affordable housing programs, we also directly thanked members of Congress who supported key provisions in the Cantwell-Hatch bill (S. 548) […]

Note from the Executive Director – March 2018

Earlier this month, CHC had the privilege of co-hosting the gubernatorial candidates during a forumat the Housing California conference in Sacramento. The strength of the affordable housing community was evident when all six candidates who are vying to be our next state leader showed up to be asked about their plans to build affordable homes […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – March 2018

Let me begin by saying thank you. With the President’s signature on the FY2018 Omnibus spending bill on Friday, March 23rd, the affordable housing industry realized a significant victory in restoring some of the resources that had been diminished with the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act last December. Through the amazing efforts […]

CHC and Partners Launch Housing Bond Campaign

Affordable. Housing. Now. Those three words sum up what we continue to hear across California from people who need a safe, affordable place to call home. High housing costs and skyrocketing rents are impacting families all over California and leading to an increase in homelessness and despair. We are fortunate to have potential help on […]

State to Designate Federal Qualified Opportunity Zones

The federal tax bill passed at the end of December 2017 allows the Governor to designate eligible census tracts as Opportunity Zones. Investments made by individuals through special funds in these zones would be allowed to defer or eliminate federal taxes on capital gains. The Governor can designate up to 25 percent of census tracts […]

Note from the Executive Director – February 2018

Who will lead California out of the housing crisis? That is among the questions being put before six gubernatorial candidates next week at a session CHC is co-hosting at the Housing California conference in Sacramento. This is a significant opportunity for the affordable housing community , and all of California, as we look to elect […]