Federal Update from David Gasson – February 2018

So how are we doing? That is a question posed to me often as colleagues contend with both their Tax Reform hangover and the barrage of nothing-news coming from Washington, D.C.  I take this opportunity to once again remind all of my friends, colleagues and those wishing to retain some sense of sanity, to stop paying […]

ACTION ALERT: Help Ensure H.R. 1661 Is Included in Budget Deal

Senate Republicans and Democrats are reported to be very close to a budget deal to include the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (S. 548/H.R. 1661), also known as the Cantwell-Hatch bill. We need to make sure that we do not face push-back from the House. Below is the list of California Republicans who have co-sponsored the […]

Note from the Executive Director – January 2018

Momentum: Strength gained by a series of events. As we embark on 2018, we are all focused on building momentum off of a successful legislative year in Sacramento. At the top of our priority list is the statewide housing bond – more specifically, the Veterans and Affordable Housing Bond Act. Throughout the year, I will […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – January 2018

Ok, everybody breathe.  It is a new year and the trauma, anxiety, uncertainty, tumult, advocacy …… of tax reform is behind us. We survived although not undamaged and now we must assess the affect on our programs and game plan an agenda that not only makes us whole again, but enhances the resources for affordable […]

Note from the Executive Director – December 2017

With the start of a new year just weeks away, there is much anticipation 2018 brings for the affordable housing world in California. For the first time in years, we start out with new tools and funding that will make building affordable homes for families, seniors and veterans a greater reality. Yes, the details of […]

Tax Reform Update from David Gasson, Boston Capital

Are we having fun yet? As we settle back in after the Thanksgiving holiday, and while we are hopefully thankful for our families health and happiness, on the legislative front it is a bit of a mixed bag. Prior to adjourning for the holiday, the House voted in favor of its tax reform bill by […]

CHC Joins CAR and CBIA to Denounce Federal Tax Reform Plan

Today, CHC was pleased to come together with members of California’s homebuilding, housing, and real estate community, including the California Association of Realtors and the California Building Industry Association, at a press conference in Sacramento to call on the 14 California GOP Congressmembers to stand up and protect housing for all Californians as they consider […]

H.R. 1 Tax Reform Action Alert

On Thursday, November 2, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) unveiled their long-awaited tax reform plan.  H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, delivers substantial tax cuts, including a significant reduction in the top corporate income tax rate. To offset the cost of the cuts, many current tax incentives are eliminated or substantially […]

Note from the Executive Director – October 2017

Like many of you, I’ve watched with great anguish as wildfires sweep through our state, destroying entire neighborhoods and devastating the lives of families and seniors in a matter of a minutes. Our hearts go out to the many people who have lost family members and their homes, and the thousands of families and seniors […]

CHC Submits Comment on TCAC Fall 2017 Proposed Regulations

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on TCAC’s proposed regulatory changes.