Federal Update from David Gasson – October 2017

We have reached that point in the seemingly endless debate over tax reform when reality hits us that it might just happen. Whether you go by the alignment of stars or ducks in a row, it seems the pieces are falling into place for something substantial happening on the tax front. To my friends in […]

Note from the Executive Director – September 2017

While we wait for Governor Brown’s signature on the housing package, it is not too early to reflect on the past year and the legislative votes that took place on September 14th and 15th. We have ended many years lamenting a near miss or celebrating small victories or being frustrated by a gubernatorial veto. This […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – September 2017

On September 27th, the White House and top GOP leaders released their tax reform outline entitled “Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code”. We are very pleased that the framework includes the Low Income Housing Tax Credit as one of two credit’s (R&D) maintained in the tax code. This is a testament to all the […]

Legislature Takes Action on Key Bills with the Support of Governor Brown

After years of tireless work, CHC is thrilled to share that the legislature has finally taken action to turn the tide on the housing catastrophe. Late last night and today, the Legislature took action on our key bills with the support of Governor Brown. It took tremendous collaboration, advocacy and education to move legislators from […]

Housing Leaders Applaud Sweeping Legislative Action to Turn Tide on Housing Catastrophe

Sacramento, CA – The California Housing Consortium (CHC) released the following statement from Executive Director Ray Pearl on the Legislature’s successful passage of a housing package today: “California’s housing community is proud to have turned the tide on the crushing housing catastrophe by pressing for record-setting investment in affordable homes and removing barriers to building […]

CHC Submits Comment on TCAC Opportunity Maps

Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment on TCAC’s Opportunity Maps and potential regulatory changes to promote large-family, new construction developments in high opportunity areas.

Note from the Executive Director – August 2017

We’re in the final weeks of the legislative session, and perhaps within days of critical solutions to the state’s housing crisis coming together and being voted on by the Legislature. The details that come out of a final housing package will matter, a lot, of course. Much will be written in the days and weeks […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – August 2017

So it is the Congressional recess which means nothing is supposed to be going on, right?  Well this is the time of Trump and despite Members of Congress best hopes, the political world continues to rock and roll, not always for the better. The plan was for congressional leadership, tax chairmen and staff and the […]

Poll Reveals Strong Support for Large Affordable Housing Bond

Sacramento – Amid Californian’s mounting concern over rising homelessness and out-of-reach rents, California State Treasurer John Chiang and a coalition of affordable housing advocates today released the results of a new poll, which shows strong voter support for a $6-9 billion statewide affordable housing bond in 2018. Today in California, more than 1 in 3 […]

Note from the Executive Director – July 2017

By now you know that the Governor and legislative leaders have committed to reaching a deal to address our state’s affordable housing crisis when the Legislature returns from their recess in late August. It is only through our collective and relentless work that we have reached this point, pushing the affordable housing agenda so far […]