Federal Update from David Gasson – July 2017

I am fresh off a new episode of “Game of Thrones” and the similarity between the intrigue in the Seven Kingdoms and what is happening in Washington, DC is amazing. I will spare you a point by point/character by character analogy but aside from no one in our nation’s capital being scorched by dragons, the […]

Assembly Democrats Release Statement on Affordable Housing

Statement on Affordable Housing For Immediate Release: July 17, 2017 The Assemblymembers listed below today issued the following statement on the effort to address California’s housing affordability crisis: “Today’s affordable housing commitment by Governor Brown, Speaker Rendon, and Senate President pro Tempore de León is welcome news for all Californians who are suffering from crushing rents and unreachable […]


Sacramento, CA (July 7th) – The California Housing Consortium (CHC) applauds the Senate’s approval today of Senate Bill 2 (Atkins) by vote of 27-12, the Building Homes and Jobs Act is a much-anticipated intervention to ease the state’s affordable housing crisis. The Building Homes and Jobs Act would establish a permanent funding source for affordable […]

Note from the Executive Director – June 2017

I’ve never thought the idea that people should have the basic right to safe housing and shelter was on par with being radical or idealistic. But that was the charge last week by an Assembly member pushing legislation that would limit growth in his district, home to the wealthiest county in the state. As the  […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – June 2017

Allow me to wish you a Happy July 4th. As we enter the summer months may you find time to relax, enjoy family and friends and forget what is going on (or not) back in Washington.  As for what is going on in our nation’s Capitol, much remains the same as the noise level is […]

AB 71 Ending Tax Break on Second, Vacation Homes Clears Assembly Appropriations Committee

Sacramento, CA – The California Housing Consortium (CHC) applauds the Assembly Appropriations Committee’s approval today (5/26) of AB71 (Chiu) and AB 72 (Santiago). Both measures are critical to jumpstarting affordable housing production and easing the housing crisis ravaging the state. “We are encouraged by the actions taken today by the Assembly Appropriations Committee, and the […]

SB 2 Funding Affordable Housing Passes Senate Appropriations Committee

Sacramento, CA – The California Housing Consortium (CHC) applauds the Senate Appropriations Committee’s approval today of SB 2 (Atkins). The Building Homes and Jobs Act creates an ongoing funding source to create affordable housing without having a state general fund impact. “With the harsh reminder again just this week that the five-county Southern California region alone needs […]

Note from the Executive Director – May 2017

One of the greatest rewards of leading this organization is seeing our members from across the state come together each year for the Policy Forum & California Housing Hall of Fame Awards. Taking time to honor the collaboration and innovation tirelessly done each day is important as we continue building momentum and urge action on […]

Federal Update from David Gasson – May 2017

It is hard to imagine Capitol Hill being any more chaotic then it was at the time of our last update yet as of the drafting this update, chaos has reached a new level. Let us take politics out of the equation for now and just focus on policy. The President released his budget which […]

AB 71 Ending Tax Break on Second, Vacation Homes Clears Key Assembly Committee

Sacramento, CA – The California Housing Consortium (CHC) applauds the Assembly Tax and Revenue Committee’s approval today of AB71 (Chiu) by a vote of 7-2. The Bring California Home Act, A CHC-Sponsored bill, is a critical investment in easing the state’s housing affordability crisis that is hammering every community across the state. “Decisions at the […]