Dealing with COVID-19 at Affordable Housing Developments

CHC has a taskforce working on issues specifically related to potential challenges for affordable housing owner/managers, lenders/investors, and service providers. In the meantime, below are resources that may be helpful: Yesterday, HUD released guidance for multifamily housing stakeholders. The National Multifamily Housing Council has also released Guidance on how owners/managers can prepare for COVID-19. On Thursday, March […]

Note from the Executive Director – February 2020

“It’s time for California to say yes to housing. We cannot wait,” Governor Newsom said in his State of the State address last week devoted almost exclusively to California’s twin challenges of affordable housing and homelessness. With more than 150,000 people now living on the streets—and millions more unable to afford a place to live—the […]

Affordable housing developers ready to answer Governor Newsom’s call to accelerate housing production

SACRAMENTO – A newly introduced bill from Assemblymember Richard Bloom (AB 3107) will open commercial land in developed areas to affordable housing—a key element of a state strategy to increase production for all income levels

Affordable housing advocates ready to work with Governor Newsom as he pledges to “tackle the underproduction of affordable housing in California”

SACRAMENTO – The California Housing Consortium released the following statement today from Executive Director Ray Pearl in response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s State of the State Address, where the Governor urged the Legislature to make “a commitment—right now, this year—to major reform that will eliminate red tape and delays for building critically needed housing, like affordable, multifamily homes, especially near transit and downtowns.”

Governor Delivers State of the State

State of the State This morning, Governor Newsom delivered his State of the State address, the bulk of which was focused on housing and homelessness. View the entire speech online. We were particularly pleased to see the Governor urge the Legislature to make “a commitment—right now, this year—to major reform that will eliminate red tape […]

Note from the Executive Director – January 2020

An unprecedented crisis calls for an unprecedented response. With Sacramento back in full swing this month—including a new budget proposal from the Governor, new financing decisions by CDLAC, and a wave of new legislation emerging from the Capitol—this has been our message for state leaders still wrestling with California’s response to the ongoing affordable housing […]

ICYMI: AB 1907 is a “No Brainer”

For Immediate ReleaseJanuary 21, 2020Contact: Mike Roth, 916.444.7170 ICYMI: AFFORDABLE HOUSING LEGISLATION BY ASSEMBLYMEMBER SANTIAGO IS A “NO BRAINER,” SAYS LOS ANGELES TIMES EDITORIAL BOARD Sacramento, CA — In an editorial over the weekend, the Los Angeles Times highlighted Assemblyman Miguel Santiago’s (D-Los Angeles) newly introduced legislation, AB 1907, to expand statewide a successful policy […]

Governor Releases 2020 January Budget

This morning, the Governor released his January budget proposal, which includes new and continued funding to address the housing and homelessness crises. Today’s announcement includes an additional $500 million for the state low-income housing tax credit program. Earlier this week, the Governor unveiled his plan to invest to $750 million into a new California Access […]

Note from the Executive Director – December 2019

It’s December in Sacramento, the start of the holidays—and the unofficial beginning of budget season, when the administration puts the finishing touches on its January budget proposal. CHC has joined with our partners in a letter outlining the steps that must be taken to ensure next year’s budget continues to close the state’s shortfall of […]

End of Year Federal Advocacy

The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act (H.R. 3077/S. 1703) would meaningfully expand the resources and the reach of the Housing Credit to address the affordable housing crisis in CA, especially with the following provisions: Setting a minimum rate for Housing Credits that are generated by tax-exempt private activity bonds, which would increase the amount of […]