Governor Vetoes RDA Clean-Up Bill

This week Governor Brown vetoed SBX1 8, the redevelopment trailer bill clean-up measure, and SB 450, the Low & Moderate Income Housing Funds reform bill.  In his veto messages, the Governor explained he based his veto on the idea that signing these bills into law would be “premature,” because the California Supreme Court has not […]

Redevelopment: The Next Chapter

On June 30, 2011, Governor Brown signed SB 87, the main budget bill containing the FY 2011-12 State Budget.  Additionally, he signed a number of budget trailer bills, including ABX1 26, the redevelopment elimination bill, and ABX1 27, the bill that allows redevelopment agencies to “opt in” to a new system but force them to […]

CHC’s Open Letter to Legislators Appears in Sacramento Bee

A full-page open letter to California’s Legislators from CHC and other housing advocates was published in the Sacramento Bee this week. The ad, sponsored by the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California, California Housing Consortium, Habitat for Humanity Greater San Francisco and San Diego Housing Federation, was well received and was a great lead-in to […]

New Report Shows RDAs’ Positive Impact on Affordable Housing

The Center for Housing Policy today released a report declaring California’s redevelopment process an innovative and successful model for affordable housing funding. Since 1993, redevelopment agencies have helped to develop or rehab more than 98,000 affordable homes, according to the report. In fiscal year 2007-08 alone ( the most recent period for which reports are available […]

CHC Executive Director Speaks at RDA Hearing

Read CHC Executive Director Ray Pearl’s comments from today’s joint hearing of the Senate Transportation and Housing Committee and the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee , delivered during the public testimony portion of the hearing: “The California Housing Consortium represents affordable housing providers throughout the state. We are a “big tent” organization whose members include […]